About the Journal

Focus, Aims and Scope

The major purpose of this journal is to contribute to the growth and strengthening of academic research on social memory, the recent past and human rights in Argentina and Latin America. Engaged in the interdisciplinary field of Memory Studies, it involves academic productions and discussions within an international scope, thus becoming a pluralistic and diverse arena in the Social Sciences. Both previous and recent research have progressively broadened the boundaries of this field of studies, reflecting new social experiences and posing new and challenging questions.

This journal hosts contributions that explore and investigate the echoes and meanings of the recent past, in turn examining the different levels and dimensions of the transmission of social memory, its actors, the struggles between different memories, the complex temporalities of these processes, as well as the cultural and communicational devices of remembrance. In turn, it focuses on memories of processes of political violence and state terrorism between the 1960s and 1980s in Argentina and Latin America. However, considering the broad field of Memory Studies, Clepsidra, Interdisciplinary Journal of Memory Studies also welcomes research involving other dimensions of social memory, other experiences and other time periods. In this sense, it aims to include studies regarding memories of indigenous peoples, trade-union and labor-related experiences during the twentieth century, or more recent memories like the economic crises, armed conflicts, drug-trafficking and mass terrorist attacks that occurred during the twenty-first century.

Nevertheless, since Memory Studies is a dynamic and ever-expanding field of studies, the themes herein mentioned are not exclusive, encouraging other views, issues and approaches.

Sections Policy

The journal hosts thematic dossiers, book reviews and interviews/lectures, set out in three different sections.

Thematic Dossiers

This section provides a forum for articles dedicated to specific research topics, previously subjected to peer-review process. Thematic dossiers focuses on specific academic discussion of themes, case studies and theoretical-methodological problems that represent valuable contributions to the field of Memory Studies. Aiming to promote a comparative and relational approach, the journal encourages the publication of papers from different disciplines in Social Sciences and Humanities, as well as international research from various countries, particularly from Latin America.

Book Reviews

This section gathers reviews of newly published books in the area of Memory Studies, Human Rights, Recent History, and any other relevant discipline and expertise that may contribute to the ongoing development of these fields. Priority will be given to reviews of scholarly books published by independent academic publishers, especially in the field of Social Sciences.


This section is dedicated to interviews and Lectures with scholars renowned for their outstanding research in the field of Social Memory, Justice, Human Rights, Recent history, among other themes, as well as individual activists and institutional actors whose work is related to Memory and Recent history, especially in Latin America. The aim is to highlight these valuable career paths and their contribution, and showcase current reflections within the main field of research of this journal. Interviews/Lectures is not a permanent section of this journal, and will be published in certain issues only.


Clepsidra Interdisciplinary Journal of Memory Studies is a biannual academic journal. It is published in April and October.

Open Access Policy

The journal adheres to the Open Archives Initiative (OAI), in order to make online indexed academic research freely available on a global scale. While Clepsidra provides free, open and immediate access to the journal contents, the authors are not charged for the publication of their works.
Please access this link for further information on OAI standards:  https://www.openarchives.org/

Clepsidra. Interdisciplinary Journal of Memory Studies applies the Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) to articles, which allows others to read, download, share, copy, redistribute, adapt and transform the contents in any medium or format, provided that both authorship and the original published source are properly cited. However, the material cannot be used for commercial purposes.
For further information, see: https://creativecommons.org/

Publishing Ethical Policy

All the contributions submitted to Clepsidra. Interdisciplinary Journal of Memory Studies are evaluated on the basis of the academic excellence of their contents, disregarding any interference related to kinship, ethnicity or nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs of their authors.

In terms of peer-review criteria, the journal will dismiss reviews biased by personal opinions.

Both authors and reviewers are asked to openly express any conflict of interest during the publication process. Should this conflict of interest appear once the article is published, measures such as retractions or formal statement will be considered.

During the publishing process or once the articles are published, the editorial team is entitled to investigate and analyze cases in which authors have incurred in unethical conduct, such as citation manipulation, data fabrication and/or falsification, and duplicate publication, among others.

Both the Editorial Team and peer-reviewers are vigilant regarding plagiarism in the submitted contributions. Plagiarism involves the reproduction of contents of academic research, without properly crediting the source, as well as their reproduction with minimal changes, presented as one’s own original work.

The contents of submitted manuscripts as well as of article reviews are confidential. The Editorial Team will not disclose these contents to third parties except for those involved in the review process, the latter subjected to the double-blind reviewing policy.

The journal editors guarantee that the contents of submitted manuscripts will not be used in their own research without expressed written consent of the authors. Likewise, privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential.

Clepsidra. Interdisciplinary Journal of Memory Studies adheres to the ethical guidelines for Social Sciences and Humanities as established by the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), Argentina (Resolution 2857/2006, http://convocatorias.conicet.gov.ar/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/RD-20061211-2857.pdf) as well as the publication ethics guidelines by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE,http://publicationethics.org/).

Peer-Review and Selection Process

Once submissions for the Thematic dossier section are received, the editorial team will assess whether they meet the requirements of Clepsidra. Interdisciplinary Journal of Memory Studies. The final decision for acceptance of contributions will be subjected to their scientific quality, their relevance according to the journal’s main academic fields, and the legal requirements regarding publishing ethical policies, i.e. defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism.

All contributions will be evaluated according to the double-blind peer review process. The reports of these reviews will be sent to the authors for them to revise their articles, if required.
Peer-reviewers may decide on:
1. Rejection of the article
2. Acceptance upon major revisions
3. Acceptance upon minor revisions
4. Acceptance without revisions

Authors must acknowledge the comments and suggestions of both reviewers and journal editors, and commit to revise their contributions within a timeline established by the journal. Once the journal receives the revised article, authors will be informed regarding their approval. The journal editors have the last word in terms of article publication and the issue in which it will be published. Authors will be notified as soon as these decisions are made.

Publication date is subjected to authors’ submission of all requested materials in due course. The journal reserves the right to proofread submissions.

Due to their prestige and academic expertise, Clepsidra. Interdisciplinary Journal for Memory Studies does not forbid its editors from submitting contributions. In this case, the journal will guarantee full independence in the peer-review process and that the authors in question are not involved in it.

Contributions in the Book Reviews and Interviews sections will be subjected to a review process by the journal editors, in accordance with the scientific excellence and academic relevance criteria, followed by a thorough editorial work conducted by the Editorial Team.

Authors must acknowledge the comments and suggestions of both reviewers and journal editors, and commit to revise their contributions within a timeline established by the journal. Once the journal receives the revised article, authors will be informed regarding their approval. The journal editors have the last word in terms of article publication and the issue in which it will be published. Authors will be notified as soon as these decisions are made.

Publication date is subjected to authors’ submission of all requested materials in due course. The journal reserves the right to proofread submissions.

Due to their prestige and academic expertise, Clepsidra. Interdisciplinary Journal for Memory Studies does not forbid its editors from submitting contributions. In this case, the journal will guarantee full independence in the peer-review process and that the authors in question are not involved in it.

Contributions in the Book Reviews and Interviews sections will be subjected to a review process by the journal editors, in accordance with the scientific excellence and academic relevance criteria, followed by a thorough editorial work conducted by the Editorial Team.

About the Journal Editors

Since 2001, the Núcleo de Estudios sobre Memoria  (Nucleus for Memory Studies) brings together researchers and university professors engaged in Memory Studies from an academic approach, with a special focus on the Southern Cone in Latin America, within the framework of the Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social (IDES) (Institute for Economic and Social Development).

The Red Interdisciplinaria de Estudios sobre Memoria Social (RIEMS) (Interdisciplinary Network for Social Memory Studies) gathers research centers, programs and groups engaged in the field of Memory Studies in Latin America. This network includes both Argentine and international research groups, with outstanding academic trajectories, whose exchanges are based on team work and cooperation. 

Núcleo de Estudios sobre Memoria, Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social (IDES)


 IDES is a non-profit civil organization, engaged in academic research of social, historical, economic, political and cultural issues, whose main purpose is that of contributing to scientific advance. With an open-minded orientation, it especially invites young researchers and professionals to take part in its different academic activities and, in more general terms, in a whole collective project in pursuit of economic and social research.  

In 2022 IDES partnered up with the Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero, with the objective of creating spaces for reflection and learning for both students and researchers.