Revolutionary Women and Daily Resistance. Reflections on Feminist Memory Practices in Chile


  • Lelya Troncoso Pérez Licenciada en Psicología, Master en Psicología social y Master en Estudios de Género, Doctora en Psicología y actualmente profesora asistente del departamento de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Chile.


memory, gender, resistance, Chilee


In order to reflect on the relationship between gender and memory from a feminist perspective, memory practices are addressed as gendered and gendering processes rearticulating past and present. In the article, two types of memories of the Chilean dicta- torship are addressed: memories of women who recognize themselves as revolutionaries and combatants, in this case women who participated in armed resistance and / or were political prisoners, and memories of women who remember everyday forms of resistance, which have often been made invisible by hegemonic narratives focused on violent confrontations between men. These memories reveal different types of resistance practiced by women, contributing to the problematization of dominant androcentric memories of the Chilean dictatorship.


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How to Cite

Troncoso Pérez, L. (2022). Revolutionary Women and Daily Resistance. Reflections on Feminist Memory Practices in Chile. CLEPSIDRA. REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINARIA DE ESTUDIOS SOBRE MEMORIA, 7(14), 120–137. Retrieved from



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