Look, disappear, die. Reflections on the use of photography and bodies as spaces for inscription of violence


  • Ludmila Da Silva Catela Investigadora Independiente de CONICET. Docente e Investigadora de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Doctora en Antropología por la UFRJ-Brasil


Body; Memoirs; Violence; Photography


This work analyzes the territory of registration of the disappearance / apparition / death of Santiago Maldonado, long memories were activated, those of the communities of the original peoples and Mapuches specifically, violence “tattooed” and inscribed on their bodies for years and years of repression, racism and exclusion. And the short memories that refer to the process of State terrorism and the representations and experiences in the face of the disappearance of people, the “disappeared”. These two moments and forms of memory converged in the body and with the body of Santiago. A body that came to bear the struggle and the dead for the land of the indigenous communities and that once again made visible the national drama of the disappeared.


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How to Cite

Da Silva Catela, L. (2022). Look, disappear, die. Reflections on the use of photography and bodies as spaces for inscription of violence. Clepsidra - Interdisciplinary Journal of Memory Studies, 6(11), 36–51. Retrieved from https://revistas.ides.org.ar/clepsidra/article/view/336



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