Transnational Labor Activism in the Southern Cone: Some Experiences


  • Mónica Gordillo Doctora en Historia por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Investigadora del CONICET; Profesora Titular ordinaria en la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Se especializa en historia social. Ha publicado los libros El movimiento obrero ferroviario desde el interior del país (1916-1922); Córdoba en los ‘60, la experiencia del sindicalismo combativo; Córdoba rebelde: el cordobazo, el clasismo y la movilización social, en coautoría con James Brennan, y Piquetes y cacerolas. El argentinazo de 2001


Transnational Trade Union Activism; Memories; Identity; Political Violence


For some time collective action theorists have been reflecting on transnational activism, a perspective that becomes important to address processes that transcend national limits, like the establishment of dictatorships in the Southern Cone. This leads to the need to think of resistances as processes that also should be considered regionally, looking for allies and resources in the international stage to be able to register claims and guarantee survival. This paper looks at the work of trade union activists from Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil that acted regionally and internationally, constructing networks of resistance to the dictatorships that would in turn generate new political proposals during the periods of democratic recovery in the region. We analyze their outsourcing strategies, material, ideological and cultural resources and mobilization networks (e.g. against foreign debt), which remained in democracy, raising the hypothesis that the action of those activists allowed outsourcing certain claims, as well as to internalize positions and new frameworks of meaning the role of trade unions, helping to introduce the global into the local.


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How to Cite

Gordillo, M. (2022). Transnational Labor Activism in the Southern Cone: Some Experiences. CLEPSIDRA. REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINARIA DE ESTUDIOS SOBRE MEMORIA, 4(7), 68–83. Retrieved from



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