The Limits of Homage: Image and Memories in Teatro Abierto 2013


  • Verónica Perera Socióloga, Master en Sociología Económica del Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín (IDAES/ UNSAM), Doctora en Sociología de la New School for Social Research (Nueva York). Entre 2008 y 2013 fue Assistant Professor de Sociología en la State University or New York (SUNY, Purchase). Desde 2013 es Profesora Titular Interina en la cátedra Memoria, derechos humanos y ciudadanía Cultural en el Departamento de Cultura y Arte de la Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda.


Teatro Abierto; Social Memory; Television; Sociocultural Movement.


In 2013, within the context of the 30th anniversary of the democratic recovery after the last civic-military dictatorship in Argentina, the Public Television organized a cycle of programs to pay homage to Teatro Abierto 1981 (TA). The article analyzes this TV program as part of the social memory of cultural resistances, in a period (2003-2015) when the building of memories of state terrorism became center stage in the public sphere, and in the government’s agenda. The article focuses on the live conversations on TV, between the host and individuals who participated either in the 1981 experience or in its homage, 32 years afterwards. It inquires into what was said and what was silenced; it looks into the dialogues that took place on screen and the interruptions of those dialogues. It argues that the testimonies ended up losing memorial depth because they reiterated the epic, well-known, and already legitimate narrative of TA. The article suggests that the TV program was not permeable enough to an open-ended and exemplary memory, able to value TA within a genealogy of movements, within and outside the theater field, and beyond state terrorism.


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How to Cite

Perera, V. (2022). The Limits of Homage: Image and Memories in Teatro Abierto 2013. Clepsidra - Interdisciplinary Journal of Memory Studies, 3(5), 84–105. Retrieved from



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