Sites of Memory and Exchanges of Places


  • Régine Robin Investigadora y novelista. Profesora asociada al Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Québec, Montréal, Canadá, y profesora emérita de la misma universidad. Fue investigadora invitada en la Universidad de Harvard, en la École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales y en la NewYork University. Recibió el Grand Prix du Livre de Montréal en 2001. Algunos de sus libros son: La mémoire saturée (2003), Cybermigrances.Traversées fugitives (2004) y Mégapolis. Les derniers pas du flâneur (2009).


Holocaust; Mundialization; Sites of Memory; Transmission.


This article focuses on the exchange of places between the authentic sites where extermination itself happened during the Holocaust and the development, all over the world, of new sites to commemorate the memory of the victims. As well as, it looks into a paradox that occurs between the diffi- culties for transmission the event and the excess of insti- tutions and memorials. Finally, it examines if art, cinema, literature, the contra-monumento and happening are able response to a world in which the memorial will be replaced by a posmemoria


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How to Cite

Robin, R. (2022). Sites of Memory and Exchanges of Places. CLEPSIDRA. REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINARIA DE ESTUDIOS SOBRE MEMORIA, 1(2), 122–145. Retrieved from



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