Children of Exile(s) and challenges to the “Golden Exile” myth in Southern Cone cultural production


  • Cara Levey Doctora, Lecturer in Latin American Studies, School Research Officer, School of Languages and Cultures (SLLC) , Director of Centre for Advanced Studies in Languages and Cultures (CASiLaC) University College Cork, Ireland



exilio documental, literatura, memoria, segunda generación, Cono sur, exilio


Addressing the absence of the sons and daughters exile from the academic field of post-dictatorship memory, this article considers the impact of foreign exile on those who were born and/or raised far from the Southern Cone. I consider three literary works (De exilios, maremotos y lechuzas de Carolina Trujillo [1990], El azul de las abejas by Laura Alcoba [2015] and Mi exilio dorado de Marco Fajardo [2021]) and two documentaries (Hora chilena [2013] and Tus padres volverán [2015]) that reflect a generational community that was, and continues to be, dispersed across a variety of linguistic and cultural spaces. These experiences permit a more nuanced analysis into the ‘golden exile’ myth, through which exile has been portrayed as a space of privilege. By incorporating these often-neglected voices, this article reveals the ways in which exile continues to affect their lives.


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How to Cite

Levey, C. . (2023). Children of Exile(s) and challenges to the “Golden Exile” myth in Southern Cone cultural production. Clepsidra - Interdisciplinary Journal of Memory Studies, 10(20), 95–114.