Transitions from Bismarkism

The projects of universal reform in health systems. Spain, Brazil and Argentina


  • Guillermo V. Alonso  Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas/Universidad de San Martín; Escuela de Política y Gobierno


Bismarkism, Healthcare System Reforms, Argentina, Spain, Brazil


The objective of this article is to analyze what were the factors that led to the approval of universal healthcare system reforms, in the context of systems organized on the predominant basis of Bismarckian social insurance, by comparing positive cases (Spain and Brazil) and negative cases (Argentina, twice). We fundamentally consider the policy formulation phase, that is, the processes that led to the approval of the reforms. Our analysis will begin by briefly considering different approaches that help explain under what conditions the reforms aimed at implementing national health systems are feasible. Then, we will present the different cases and specifically consider the historical legacies of the respective Bismarckians, which, by conditioning the configuration of the reformist coalitions, largely explain the very different courses of the reform projects.


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How to Cite

Alonso, G. V. (2020). Transitions from Bismarkism: The projects of universal reform in health systems. Spain, Brazil and Argentina. Desarrollo Económico. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 59(229), 387–418. Retrieved from


