Intergenerational Class Mobility in Urban Argentina: from the
End of XIX Century until the Emergence of Peronism
Class Mobility ; Education; Economic History; Class MobilityAbstract
Aspects of intergenerational class mobility based on fi rst surveys on urban Argentina (basically Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, 1960 and 1971) are studied, taking into account mediating educational eff ects, along birth cohorts. Links with discussions of economic history about those early stages are considered. After presenting some indicators of economic and educational growth, fi rst questions of descriptive class mobility and then more analytic aspects of relative mobility (odds of moving from class origins to class destinations, given a class origin position) are explored. Usual three-way interactions models are considered: class origin, education, class destination, over cohorts.
The direct origin-destination eff ects become stronger as younger cohorts are reached. And the association between class origins and education (educational inequality) is equally stronger for younger cohorts. Moderate fl uidity is observed, but parameters values move contrary to an idea of upward mobility. All these fi ndings put into question a perception of upward social mobility during the country early stages.
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