Evidence on the cognitive Appropriation of Inventions of the Argentine 'CTI' System by Private and Foreign Owners
Evidencia sobre la apropiación cognitiva de las invenciones del sistema CTI argentino por parte de titulares privados y extranjeros
Economic Development; Exogenous Industrialization; Blind Technology Transfer; Knowledge Economy; Cognitive ExploitationAbstract
This article offers systemic empirical evidence about a decoupling that is called “cognitive appropriation”, which consists in the fact that patentable inventions originated in the public financing of Argentina's science, technology and innovation (STI) system end up having as owners, to a large extent, to private and foreign actors. Methodologically, the research is based on the crossing of data declared by researchers responsible for projects presented to the Agencia I+D+i with the information of 932 patent applications arising from the WIPO database and, in a complementary way, on the systematization of regulations and specific literature. It was found that more than half of the patents applied for are not owned by the public bodies that financed the research. The phenomenon of cognitive appropriation consists of patents applied for by foreign firms and institutions and accounts for 23% of total applications. In addition, it should be noted that the patents applied for owned by public institutions were mostly processed at the Argentine office, while more than 90% of patent applications whose owners were foreign actors have been submitted in foreign offices.
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