The transformation of social class inequalities in Córdoba. 2003-2019
Inequality; Social Class; CórdobaAbstract
This article presents the evolution of class inequalities for Gran Córdoba in the 21st century and the analysis of social reproduction modes of families in each class position. In particular, we address those dimensions linked to the labor strategies of households in Córdoba. The analysis of this evolution was carried out by the reconstruction of the social space in Córdoba and the characterization of the social classes according to their capitals volume and structure from a Bourdieusian perspective. With this objective, we propose a quantitative methodological strategy, with a statistical processing that combines multiple correspondence analysis and ascending hierarchical classification techniques of the data from the Permanent Household Survey for Greater Córdoba between 2003 and 2019. The work presents significant findings around three axes that contribute to studies on the social structure in our country: sex and age as factors of social structuring, social policies as a constitutive repertoire of the formation of social classes, and crises as a moment of crystallization/destructuring of the structure of social classes.
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