
  • Daniel Schteingart Doctor en Sociología Económica por el Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín (idaes-unsam), becario posdoctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (conicet)
  • Juan Santarcángelo Investigador adjunto del CONICET y de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ).
  • Fernando Porta Profesor-investigador de la UNQ y director académico del Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación.


Global value chains, Transnational companies, Foreign investment, Innovation, Economic development


The global economy has undergone profound transformations in the last four decades, both in its financial and productive dimension. Regarding the latter, it is worth mention that since the mid-1970s (even in the 1960s) the organization of production became increasingly governed by what are known as “Global Value Chains” (gvc), and that can be defined as the sequence of activities that firms and workers perform from the design of a product to its final use. The aim of the paper is to measure and explain which countries dominate gvc; study the nationality of transnational enterprises that controls gvc and the sectors of activity in which they operate; determine if the- re is any empirical relationship between participation of countries in gvc and the dynamics of fdI; and finally, analyze the impacts of these dynamics on economic development.



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How to Cite

Schteingart, D. ., Santarcángelo, J. ., & Porta, F. . (2022). GLOBAL VALUE CHAINS, INNOVATION AND TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS: AN EMPIRICAL APPROACH. Desarrollo Económico. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 59(227), 113–150. Retrieved from


