Fifty Years of Intergenerational Class Social Mobility in Buenos Aires and Montevideo, 1960-2012
Social Mobility, Social Classes, Loglinear Model, Montevideo, Buenos AiresAbstract
The article analyzes the initiative to transfer the Argentinian capital city to Viedma - Carmen de Patagones
during the Alfonsín government. The article argues that the project, scarcely considered in the inquiries
about the radical government, condenses many of its expectations, contradictions and limitations and
is extremely eloquent in order to refl ect on the alfonsinist government, the construction process of the
nascent democracy and the eighties, as a period of great expectations, crises and transitions. Based on the
analysis of documentary sources and interviews, the article reconstructs some dimensions of the process:
the confl ictive coexistence of temporalities and intervention paradigms that it proposed, the contradiction
between the proposed objectives and the strategies deployed to achieve them, as well as the intersections
between technical and political arguments used to justify the initiative and advance in its materialization.
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