Concepción ampliada del trabajo, enfoque de capacidades y desarrollo social. Hacia una superación de la centralidad del trabajo en torno al mercado


  • María Rosario Carvajal Muñoz Universidad de Cádiz


Well-Being Capability; Agency Capability; Collective Capabilities; Social Development, Unpaid Work; Paid Work


The concept of work has historically been constructed from an individualistic and mercantilist perspective, as highlighted by various authors mentioned in this article. From here, it is argued that this perspective focused on the economic limits the achievement of goals around the social dimension of sustainable development. The need to broaden the definition of work to include unpaid work is defended. To argue this, the capabilities approach is used, first, reflecting on the different meanings of capabilities around paid work, to then provide another meaning of capabilities on unpaid work that expands freedoms related to psychosocial well-being and agency of individuals. The main contribution of the article is precisely to propose that this recognition of unpaid work could help overcome the limitations of work linked to the market and economic development, because it would open a way to guide the economy and society towards the social development of sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Carvajal Muñoz, M. R. (2024). Concepción ampliada del trabajo, enfoque de capacidades y desarrollo social. Hacia una superación de la centralidad del trabajo en torno al mercado. Desarrollo Económico. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 64(243), 165–182. Retrieved from



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