Social Origin, School Climates and Academic Performance in Argentina

An Exploratory Study Based on PISA Tests 2012


  • Daniel P. Míguez Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales/CONICET-Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires


School Climates, Social Origin, Academic Performance, PISA, Strategies


This article examines the way that certain aspects of school climates relate to the academic performance of middle-level students in the PISA tests (2012) and how these links vary with the student’ the social origin. The hypothesis is that the factors that make up for school climates mediate between social conditions and student performance. Moreover, these factors do not intervene discreetly,
in isolation from each other, but rather do so in an associated way and, interacting with each other. Although the available data do not allow a complete demonstration of this form of mediation, the results of this study indicate its plausibility. In other words, although the school climate does not intervene independently of social conditions, it does constitute a relevant intervening factor in the process of infl uencing the academic performance of students. Considering this alternative is important since it suggests strategies to facilitate access to education for people that have historically experienced restrictions to complete their secondary education.


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How to Cite

Míguez, D. P. . (2021). Social Origin, School Climates and Academic Performance in Argentina: An Exploratory Study Based on PISA Tests 2012. Desarrollo Económico. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 60(231), 180–203. Retrieved from


