The Provincial Commission for the Memory of the Province of Buenos Aires. Reflections on the past relationship present in an early experience of institutionalization of memory policies in Argentina


  • Sandra Raggio Historiadora, Magister en Ciencias Sociales, docente de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, de grado y posgrado en la maestría en Memoria e Historia. Es directora general de Áreas de la Comisión Provincial por la Memo- ria desde 2014. Se desempeña en ese organismo desde su creación en 1999
  • Roberto Cipriano García Es abogado, docente de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y de la maestría en Historia y Memoria de la UNLP, es secretario ejecutivo de la Comisión Provincial por la Memoria desde 2015, organismo al que se incorporó en el año 2005 al Comité Contra la Tortura. Fue coordinador del área de encierro de la Procuvin.


Politics of memory; Transmission; Human Rights; Torture; Archive; Dictatorship; Democracy.


This paper is an analysis and reflection on one of the first experiences of institutionalization of the memory and human rights policies of Argentina: the Provincial Commission for the Memory of the Province of Buenos Aires. In this paper, the creation of the organization is historicized and the main tensions that it was going through in relation to its state nature, the autonomy of the governments, the scope of the objectives defined by the law and the implementation of the programs. In particular, the analysis focuses on the relationship that has been built between memory policies of state terrorism and the defense and denunciation of violations of human rights in democracy, a core that explains the different tensions that experience.


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How to Cite

Raggio, S., & García, R. C. (2022). The Provincial Commission for the Memory of the Province of Buenos Aires. Reflections on the past relationship present in an early experience of institutionalization of memory policies in Argentina. CLEPSIDRA. REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINARIA DE ESTUDIOS SOBRE MEMORIA, 6(12), 108–127. Retrieved from



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