Examining audiences during COVID-19 and radical political changes in Chile: the virtual commemoration of September 11 as organised by the Museum of Memory and Human Rights


  • Beatriz Águila Mussa Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos, Chile
  • Sol Rojas-Lizana The University of Queensland, Australia
  • Ramón Uribe Fundación Superación de la Pobreza, Servicio País


memoria histórica, estudio de audiencias, Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Chile


This study analyses over a thousand comments left during the transmission of the digital experience ‘Sintoniza con la memoria’ at the Museum of Memory and Human Rights Facebook Live page. The experience was part of the Museum’s annual activities to commemorate September 11 in Chile, which plays radio broadcasts from that day in 1973. Using discourse analysis, the comments were examined to understand the impact of the experience on the audience. The results show the presence of three discourses: the connection of the recent past with current radical changes, the strong flow of emotions produced by the listening, and an ethical stand that echoes the discourses of citizenship promoted by the Museum. Additionally, it was found that the pandemic is relegated to a secondary role given the political importance of the historical event known as Estallido social in Chile.


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How to Cite

Águila Mussa, B. ., Rojas-Lizana, S. ., & Uribe, R. . (2022). Examining audiences during COVID-19 and radical political changes in Chile: the virtual commemoration of September 11 as organised by the Museum of Memory and Human Rights. Clepsidra - Interdisciplinary Journal of Memory Studies, 9(18), 10–27. Retrieved from https://revistas.ides.org.ar/clepsidra/article/view/396



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