Acting Bodies, Affected Bodies: Three Contemporary Films of the Colombian Armed Conflict


  • Rubén Darío Yepes Muñoz Estudiante PhD en Estudios Visuales y Culturales de la Universidad de Rochester. Licenciado en Artes Visuales de la Universidad de Antioquia y Magíster en Estudios Culturales de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Miembro del Grupo en Estudios Visuales de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Su tesis de doctorado en proceso aborda las relaciones entre arte, cine y conflicto armado en Colombia. Es autor del libro La política del arte: cuatro casos de arte contemporáneo en Colombia (2012). Actualmente prepara el libro María José Arjona: lo que puede un cuerpo.


Cinema; Colombia; Armed Conflict; Affect.


Ciro Guerra’s The Wanderer’s Shadow (2004), Oscar Campo’s I Am Another (2008) and Alejandro Landes’s Porfirio (2012) are three contemporary films representative of a recent tendency towards a less “direct” representation of the Colombian armed conflict than that which may be found in previous political filmic production. This article proposes that the relation between these films and the armed conflict may be understood, not in terms of representation, but through the concept of mediation. Fundamental to the films’ mediatory function is the production of affects that persist beyond the spectator’s viewing experience. In this sense, the agency of these films in relation to the conflict consists, not in directly informing its history or memory but in the production of the affective motivation necessary to undertake the construction of said memory.


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How to Cite

Yepes Muñoz, R. D. (2022). Acting Bodies, Affected Bodies: Three Contemporary Films of the Colombian Armed Conflict. Clepsidra - Interdisciplinary Journal of Memory Studies, 3(6), 84–103. Retrieved from



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