Tlatelolco 1968 and other subaltern shouting from Latin American cinema


  • Mariano Mestman Doctor por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Departamento de Lingüística - Programa en Historia del Cine (2004). Investigador del CONICET y del Instituto Gino Germani de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UBA. Realizó investigaciones posdoctorales en la Universidad de Roma 3 (Italia, 2008).


Testimony;Tlatelolco; Cinema


In 1968, students from the Centro Universitario de Estu- dios Cinematográficos (CUEC-UNAM) captured with their cameras the process of protests, between the firsts ma- nifestations in July and the October, 2 Tlatelolco massacre. Given the represions of Gustavo Díaz Ordaz government, the footage was hidden and finally edited between 1969 and 1970 to make the documentary El grito (Leobardo López Arretche).

This article discusses the presence of the testimony and the representation of masses in El grito following John Beverly ́s reflections about the genre. He has pointed out two key moments of Latin American testimonial literature: the emergence of the genre in the sixties still at the Revolu- tionary imaginary, and its place during the complaints on violations of human rights after the military goverments of the seventies. Drawing on Beverly ́s distinction for the lite- rature, this work focus on film, and also compares El grito with other testimonial latin american films of those years.


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How to Cite

Mestman, M. (2022). Tlatelolco 1968 and other subaltern shouting from Latin American cinema. CLEPSIDRA. REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINARIA DE ESTUDIOS SOBRE MEMORIA, 1(1), 52–67. Retrieved from



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