An ignorant literature: notes on a novel


  • Paloma Vidal Es escritora y docente de Teoría Literaria en la Universidad Federal de São Paulo. Publicó los libros de cuentos A duas mãos (2003) y Mais ao sul (2008), las novelas Algum lugar (2009) y Mar azul (2012) y los ensayos A história em seus restos: literatura e exílio no Cone Sul (2004) y Escrever de fora: viagem e experiência na narrativa argentina contemporânea (2011). Sus textos han sido traducidos al castellano, al inglés y al alemán. Mantiene el blog y es editora de la revista Grumo.


Transmission; Not- knowing; Literature


This article reconstructs elements of the elaboration of the novel Mar azul, by the same author, as of the notion of “ignorant literature” in a path that involves the reflections of Jacques Rancière and Rosalind Krauss, among others, in order to resume a discussion on the question of trans- mission in the literature. In particular, is interested in the possibility of thinking the nonspecific form of literature in confrontation with meaninglessness.The author argues that it is worth recalling a discussion on transmission in literatu- re and its possible relationship with a “lack of wisdom”. In that vein, she wonders if it is possible an “ignorant” place for literature, in the sense that gives Rancière, as an aban- donment of the privilege of a pedagogical overview, without discarding the idea that a text conveys a knowledge and not only a commodity with the signing of an author


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How to Cite

Vidal, P. (2022). An ignorant literature: notes on a novel. CLEPSIDRA. REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINARIA DE ESTUDIOS SOBRE MEMORIA, 1(1), 114–121. Retrieved from



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