Voices returning. Memory and inheritance in three contemporary Brazilian novels


  • Mario Cámara Doctor en Letras, Profesor Adjunto de Literatura Brasileña en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, e Investigador Adjunto en CO- NICET. Ha publicado El caso Torquato Neto, diversos modos de ser vampiro en Brasil en los años setenta (2011,), Cuerpos paganos, usos y efectos en la cultura brasileña 1960-1980 (2011). Desde 2003, forma parte del grupo editor de la revista Grumo, literatura e imagen (Premio Ministerio de Cultura, Brasil, 2007) y desde 2009 administra el sitio www.salagrumo.org.


Migration; Memory; Literature


This article attempts to address a number of fictional texts of brazilian youth authors - Tatiana Salem Levy, Michel Laud and Paloma Vidal- that working around the issue of migra- tion from characters seeking to rediscover his past outsi- de Brazil. Thus, after what could be considered a first and “successful” process of nationalization in the early decades of the twentieth century, these “children and grandchildren of migrants back to examine those movements, with the aim of investigating the veracity of these accounts, the texture of the unsaid, and performativity that both -stories and silen- ces- seem to keep producing despite the time elapsed.


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How to Cite

Cámara, M. (2022). Voices returning. Memory and inheritance in three contemporary Brazilian novels. CLEPSIDRA. REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINARIA DE ESTUDIOS SOBRE MEMORIA, 1(1), 164–175. Retrieved from https://revistas.ides.org.ar/clepsidra/article/view/481



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