Self affirmation and duty of memory in La Escuelita, by Alicia Partnoy


  • Alicia Salomone Doctora en Literatura por la Universidad de Chile. Profesora del Departamento de Literatura y del Centro de Estudios Cul- turales Latinoamericanos de dicha Universidad. Se especializa en historia y crítica de la literatura latinoamericana, y en la crítica literaria feminista. Entre las publicaciones principales se cuentan los libros Alfonsina Storni. Mujeres, modernidad y literatura (2006), Modernidad en otro tono (2004, en coautoría con G. Luongo, N. Cisterna, D. Doll y G. Queirolo), Postcolonialidad y nación (2003, en coautoría con G. Rojo y C. Zapata).


Testimony; Argentine literatura;Alicia Partnoy


This work focuses on the analyses of a literary testimony written by the Argentine woman writer Alicia Partnoy. The text was first published in English the United States in 1986 as The Little School and was republished in Spanish in 2006 in Argentina as La Escuelita. Relatos testimoniales. The main goal of this work is to propose an interpretation of this narration that considers on the one hand, the context of production of this text and on the other hand, its formal organization. In regard to this latter aspect, it is relevant to observe the discursive strategies, basically the characteris- tics of the enunciation (who and how narrates in the text, as well as the reasons to do it), the genres used and the tro- pes and images that allow the narrator to refer the events associated to her permanence in the clandestine center of detention and extermination called La Escuelita during the last military dictatorship in Argentina.


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Partnoy, Alicia (2006). La Escuelita. Relatos testimoniales. Buenos Aires: La Bohemia.

Partnoy, Alicia (1998). The Little School. Tales of Disapereance & Survival. San Francisco: Midnight Editions.

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How to Cite

Salomone, A. (2022). Self affirmation and duty of memory in La Escuelita, by Alicia Partnoy. CLEPSIDRA. REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINARIA DE ESTUDIOS SOBRE MEMORIA, 1(1), 176–191. Retrieved from



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