The Need to Reconsider the Orthodoxy of Freedom of Speech in Digital Communication


  • Martín Becerra Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes - Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Silvio Waisbord Escuela de Medios y Asuntos Públicos - Universidad George Washington


Freedom of Speech, Internet, Digital Platforms, Social Media


This article discusses the limitations of the orthodox and maximalist conception of freedom of expression in light of the controversy over the immunity enjoyed by digital platforms such as Facebook, Google or Twitter, as massive mediation spaces of information and public communication flows. By exposing notorious cases of problematic content edited in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic by these companies, and in connection with the Executive Order of the US president, Donald Trump, that in May 2020 ordered to refresh the legal norms that reach them, the article explores the paradoxes and contradictions of the emerging public communication system, with the premise that “more communication” is not equivalent to “better communication”.


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How to Cite

Becerra, M. ., & Waisbord, S. (2021). The Need to Reconsider the Orthodoxy of Freedom of Speech in Digital Communication. Desarrollo Económico. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 60(232), 295–313. Retrieved from


