
  • Cristian Altavilla Universidad Siglo 21


Subnational governments, Governors, Legislative powers, Provincial public law


According to Mainwaring and Shugart (2002), executive powers within a presidential system may be classified in strong or weak from two va- riables: partisan powers and legislative powers. Both referring to the ability of executive branch to implement public policies and in particular to it relation with the legislative branch, since this is the main instance responsible for policy decision. This paper attempts to bring the terms of the debate on a comparative analysis at the subnational level in Argentina. With this aim in mind, the legislative powers of executive bran- ches conferred by the provincial constitutions will be analyzed in a 24 provincial jurisdictions comparative perspective. The objective of this paper is to determine the legislative powers available for governors and, according to that, determine the degree of strength or weakness within the institutional formal-constitutional structure.


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How to Cite

Altavilla, C. (2022). LAS FACULTADES DE LEGISLACIÓN DE LOS PODERES EJECUTIVOS PROVINCIALES DE LA ARGENTINA. Desarrollo Económico. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 59(227), 83–111. Retrieved from


