Occupational Turnover and Quality of Employment

The Case of Independent Workers in Latin America


  • Roxana Maurizio Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Política (IIEP-BAIRES), Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET


Occupational Turnover, Independent Workers, Latin America


Self-employment continues to be a very relevant type of labor insertion in Latin America where, at least, a quarter of occupied people are non-salaried workers. From a dynamic point of view, in turn, this group of workers exhibits patterns of labor turnover significantly different from those experienced by wage earners. This is particularly important in a region characterized by very marked economic cycles and scarce coverage of social protection. This paper analyzes the occupational mobility of independent workers in six countries of the region -Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay and Peru-, between 2002 and 2015. In particular, it estimates the intensity of the transits of these workers in comparison with employees, analyzes the characteristics of these transitions and identifies the factors associated with them. This evidence allows us to evaluate the validity in the case of Latin America of the hypotheses usually used to analyze the behavior of other labor markets.


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How to Cite

Maurizio, R. (2020). Occupational Turnover and Quality of Employment: The Case of Independent Workers in Latin America. Desarrollo Económico. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 60(230), 27–58. Retrieved from https://revistas.ides.org.ar/desarrollo-economico/article/view/35


