Selling the Economy: Brands, Marketing and Advertising in Argentina (1876-1930)


  • Andrea Lluch Instituto de Estudios Históricos y Sociales de La Pampa, Universidad de La Pampa (Argentina) – CONICET/ Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia)
  • Fernando Rocchi Universidad Torcuato Di Tella


Brands, Argentine Advertising Industry, Modernization, Consumer Culture, 1876-1930


This article seeks to examine the role of brands and trademarks in argentine firms’ marketing strategies until the Great Depression. For that, it studies the evolution of trademark registration in Argentina from 1876 to 1930, and its relationship with the expansion of the local market and with the formation of a consumer culture based on mass production and branding. The research also analyzes the role of brands in the evolution of Argentine advertising industry, since the creation of the first agency in 1898 to the analysis of the 1920s, when Argentine advertising agencies began to hire creatives and designers. By then, advertisement and brand promotion were their main objectives. Finally, this paper shows that brands and advertising were two complementary sides of the modernization process that the country went through between the late nineteenth and the first three decades of the twentieth century.


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How to Cite

Lluch, A., & Rocchi, F. . (2020). Selling the Economy: Brands, Marketing and Advertising in Argentina (1876-1930). Desarrollo Económico. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 60(230), 59–87. Retrieved from


