Argentina’s Productive Development Policies: Post-Pande mic Strategies and Instruments
Argentina; productive development policy; structural change; developing countries; taxonomy; industrial policyAbstract
Globally, there has been a resurgence of interest in industrial policies, but there are still few empirical studies and a diversity of definitions prevails. In this context, we believe it is important to understand what the productive development policies (PDP) were in Argentina after the COVID-19 pandemic and how they were justified. Through a detailed analysis of the instruments used and the strategic plans, and using a definition and a taxonomy that allow us to make international comparisons, it is estimated that the country invested around 1% of GDP in these policies in 2021-2022. This figure is higher than that of other countries in the region and lower than that of developed countries. Likewise, it is identified that the PDPs were justified based on the need for economic reactivation, the trengthening of the productive sector and competitiveness, and inclusive and sustainable development. Most of the instruments intervene directly in the productive activities of companies. In terms of objectives, they focus on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, promoting financial inclusion and fostering the adoption of technologies.
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